Thursday, December 8, 2011

Management and the Standards

Looking back at the administrator standards I really felt that management had a strong connection with a couple administrator standards.  Naturally, it could be considered that management is connected in a way with all of these standards.  To me I thought it would take an excellent manager to truly meet and exceed the third and fourth standards.

Standard 3-- A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.

A good administrator is always one step ahead of the game.  Issues are taken care of before they become issues.  This person has exercised their leadership abilities to make sure those delegated to certain responsibilities are meeting or exceeding expectations.  A good manager does not feel the need and should not feel the need to "do it all".  They do however need to have the right people in place in the right positions.  An example would be having a positive and trusting relationship with the custodial staff.  Students deserve to have a safe and clean environment to learn in.  Another example may be before and after school routines.  Setting expectations for where students need to be and go can eliminate potential safety concerns.  The final example I thought of when I saw the word "safe" in the standard was the ability to monitor and maintain positive student to student relationships.  Students deserve to feel safe and respected by all stakeholders in the school and will not learn effectively until this is the norm.

Standard 4: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs and mobilizing community resources.

It is important to have the support of families and communities as a building administrator.  With all stakeholders on board so much more can be accomplished.  It is however not just enough to have relationships with community members.  Administrators need to work to build healthy, strong relationships with these stakeholders.  From a management aspect it may be easier to delegate some of these duties such as fundraising meetings but you need to be careful to show that these things are important because they are.  Things will not always (or ever it seems) go according to plan.  It is important to have plans and act as the calm and controlled front.  One of the biggest learning points in class came from the crisis situation responses.  It was not so much that I learned exactly what to do in these situations but just the motivation to think as many of these scenarios out before they actually occur.  An administrator is the role model for the school and community and this alone can sometimes determine the progress a community will allow you to make.

Management Tasks, Functions and Student Learning

Management is a very large part of a principal's role in a school.  Some have suggested administrators should have a 51/49 instructional leadership/management split.  Although this would be ideal I feel it will be very hard to maintain.  Many times the managerial tasks are ones that immediately come back to reflect you and your school.  These tasks may arrive when you least expect it.  What is important is to have a plan for dealing with and balancing managerial tasks.

Management can gets kind of bad rap in the world of administration.  Some people think of it as the "stuff" you have to do.  The truth of the manner is that a good manager allows a school to run efficiently and effectively.  As an effective manager, administrators can guarantee students they are safe in school, make sure the school has the resources necessary to learn and keep the staff informed just to name a few.  It is important to have a system and a good grasp for how to handle these aspects of the job in order to ensure student learning.

New administrators may struggle with management until they get some experience.  One of the first things a principal should learn to do is delegate.  Empower other staff members and build relationships with staff members that may have expertise in these certain areas.  The job of a building administrator is a grueling one the way it is.  A principal should not need to feel as though they need to do it all.  Staying organized and having a good relationship with the building secretary are great ways to begin an effective management system.

Management used to be the primary role of a principal.  With the shift toward instructional leader it is getting tough for some building administrators to balance.  Isn't instructional leadership the only aspect that affects student learning?  Obviously that is not the case.  As I mentioned earlier maintaining a safe school is important component of making sure a student learns.  It is also a managerial task.  Making sure staff is informed on students, events and procedures is important.  Teachers need to be focused on their students and their learning.  A good leader will run a smooth and effective school that allows the focus to be on student achievement.  When management issues become non-issues the focus for all stakeholders can be on student achievement and great strides can truly be made.  Once a principals management system is off and running that shift toward 51/49 can really start gaining steam.

Six Tips to Grow Teacher Excellence

From the article "How Principals Can Grow Teacher Excellence" administrators need to take their role as an instructional leader seriously.  Here are six simple rules to help teachers reach or maintain excellence.

1.  Provide quality professional development--Make sure your strategies are research-based, consistent, convenient, relevant and differentiated.  Everything you would expect your teachers to do in the classroom you should do with your staff.

2.  Use your time wisely--Try "flipping" staff meetings by providing the information necessary via a podcast.  That way meetings and professional development time can be spent developing professionally.

3.  Trust your teachers--Trust your teachers are professional.  Allow them the ability to suggest what they need for professional development.

4.  Facilitate, don't dictate-- Help teachers get the resources they need and let them use their strengths.  Teachers are professionals and deserve to take ownership of their practice.

5.  Model your expectations--If technology is a key focus of your school, demonstrate the easy use of podcasts as a way of communicating or help show the benefits of technology during professional development.

6.  Expect the best--Have high standards for your staff.  Allow them to take ownership and expect the best out of themselves.

Good Principals Can Manage and Lead at the Same Time

Many principals distinguish between leading and managing.  In "Principals as Leader-Managers" administrators looked for ways they can do both at the same time.  One example had a principal congratulating students on their work on their way out the door.  Usually thought of as a management issue with the objective of keeping the students safe, a principal can also lead, inspire and motivate students and staff at the same time.

Managing time is obviously a necessity for successful administrators.  Making sure teachers utilize the first five minutes of class can be both a management and leadership role.  Changing the culture of the school by requesting positive office referrals could improve student behavior and help with management issues.

One of the most easily identified managerial tasks of a principal is facilitating staff meetings.  By eliminating the announcements that can be given in the form of an e-mail administrators can use this time to develop staff.  The management aspect (announcements) still gets done, yet the opportunity to lead is created.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Technology Integration

After reading an article on technology integration from the New York Times it was interesting to see how administrators and teachers from all over the country have different views on the subject.  There is a district in Arizona that despite pumping millions and millions of dollars into technology is not seeing test scores rise.  Some argue they are still learning more efficiently and are better off because of their technology competencies.  There are writing teachers that struggle with the battle of technology.  There are certain advantages to writing with pencil and paper (more personal).  Yet, many of the students benefit from the instant and efficient ways of editing their work.  There are also teachers seeing results in increasing engagement through the use of clickers.  These technologies continue to entertain and engage yet are they truly increasing student achievement?  The debate continues.

Weekend Three Reflection

During my first clinical experience my mentor was very big on encouraging to put my "administrator hat" on.  Some of the biggest learning opportunities never actually occurred.  I was helping supervise a wrestling meet after school.  He asked me what my role would be as the administrator in charge if the fire alarm went off.  I had never really thought of it and it kind of caught me off guard.  When we did the crisis simulations it reminded me to keep working through situations even if it is just in your mind.  We have the benefit now as future administrators to look at how other administrators handle different situations.  When we become administrators staff and students will be looking to us for leadership and will expect that we have their best interests in mind.

It was very beneficial to learn about maintaining a budget.  It has been an area that has somewhat concerned me as an aspiring administrator.  Not that it will be a breeze, but there is only so much you will have oversight over as a building administrator.  It will be important to be financially responsible.  However, it is also important to realize that communication is key.  If you are able to finish a year significantly under budget you may need to be prepared to communicate that this won't necessarily be able to happen the following school year.

I really thought the mock press conference was beneficial.  It was important to learn strategies for talking to press.  As a sports fan I often criticize athletes for what they say during interviews and press conferences.  It is certainly harder than it looks.  As a teacher, when talking to students, you have the luxury of clarifying to students and explaining your thoughts thoroughly.  Reporters do not have the luxury of writing about or showing your entire quote in the newspaper or on the television.  There is certainly some communication lost when speech turns into print and you have to be prepared to make sure your words accurately represent your stance.